Monday, December 8, 2008

Twelve Days for Christmas: A Mini-Study

The Purpose of Christmas by Rick Warren is a magnificent little book that seems to be on a lot of gift lists this year. I bought the book several weeks ago, toying with the idea of doing a short study for Job 19:25 He Lives.

Last week, my name was drawn for a door prize at a women’s dinner (see post 12/07/08). I was having so much fun at the dinner that I did not open the prize until I got home. As I peeled back the wrapping, I saw the red cover of Rick Warren’s new book peeking back at me. Okay, God – I get it!

On God’s behalf, I invite you to join me beginning December 11 for a twelve-day study of The Purpose of Christmas. Each day’s post will be structured to enjoy even if you have not had a chance to pick up the book. Please join me as we prayerfully approach the day that changed the history of all eternity!

May you feel His grace today,
Gail W.

The last Word:
The apostles gathered around Jesus . . . Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, He said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
Mark 6: 30,31, NIV.


Aunt Angie said...

Gail I love that idea! I will hunt me up a book! (I think I saw it recently at LifeWay) I will see you then!

Love you!

Bernadine said...

Hi Gail,
I don't have the book but I'll try and remember to stop by. Sounds like a great study.

Denise said...

Count me in, this sounds great.

Gale said...

Gail, I too want to be a part of this. I will get my copy before the 11th. Thank you for doing this.

Gale said...

It’s Time to Believe Again

It’s time to believe again. You may have situations that look like they’re set in stone, but everything you’re facing is subject to change. It is not over until God says it is over. Even if you’ve been praying for a situation for ten or thirty years, God is still at work and has an answer. We shouldn’t accept the difficult situations in our lives or unanswered prayers as permanent. Despite what’s going on externally, no matter how long things have been the way they are, decide to hope and believe in God. In the natural, things may look the same, but the scripture says in Philippians 2:13 that God is constantly at work in those who believe.

We need to have the attitude that we are not moved by what we see, but we are moved by what we know. We know the Creator of the universe is at work in those who believe in His resurrecting power. Do you believe in the power of Almighty God? If you’ll remember how big God is and view every difficult situation as temporary, you will come to a new season of peace, faith and hope. God is always at work in those who believe!

The Dementia Nurse said...

AMEN, Sister! "We need to have the attitude that we are not moved by what we see, but we are moved by what we know." Those are POWERFUL words - God bless you for sharing them!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I already have the book and look forward to the study, thank you for inviting us

Have a blessed day

weatheba said...

Cool idea! I'm in :)

Suzanne said...

Count me in - I need this sooooo much!