Thursday, February 5, 2009

Seven Times Seven Hundred

Seven hundred and twenty-one times. According to CNN, that is how many times a South Korean woman has tried to pass her driving test. Attempt #722 will take place today or tomorrow.

I ask myself, "Is there anything I would try seven hundred times without giving up?" Losing weight comes to mind. Getting my teenager to clean her room. How about keeping my mouth shut when I don't have anything constructive to say?

The tale of the licensee-to-be cheered my heart today. It reminded me there are some things worth trying for and trying for and trying for. What does my heart desire enough to persevere so greatly?

Only one thing truly fills that bill: salvation for the people I love. I think about the friends and family who haven't yet found the Truth of the Gospel. I think how untethered I would be without a granite faith in God. I think of those who prayed for loved ones for years on end and finally saw their dreams come true.

Yes, there are some things worth revisiting over and over again. What about you? What goals pull you back again and again, no matter how bleak the landscape? I would love to hear your heart on the matter.

May you feel His grace today,
Gail W.
Photo Credit

The last Word:
Will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him night and day? Will He keep putting them off?
Luke 18: 7, NIV.


Carol said...

Great post. I have that same desiree I pray over and over for my brother and his wife. I love them so much. I will not give up on that prayer, because my sister prayed for me and it took me years to open the door that God knocked at.

The cleaning the room part made me laugh, I think my daughters room is for all the years my mom tried to get me to clean mine.


Tina said...

Love this post! Yes the licensee is truly inspirational!

I especially love the "keeping my mouth shut when I don't have anything constructive to say" Oh if I had a nickel for each time I heard my mother say "Tina, if you would just learn to keep your mouth shut!" Still trying to master that one!

I have been praying for my son for nearly five years now in his battle with drugs. The landscape has never looked more bleak. As a result I have spent much time in prayer and the study of God's word searching for answers and hope. He has met me there, there is still pain and I still struggle but this thought came to me this morning..

What is the alternative?

I know my situation is one of a mothers worst nightmare. Yet still I will continue because he is worth it and my God is faithful.

There is no alternative.

The Dementia Nurse said...

Tina, dear friend - there is an alternative that parents take every day. They give up. They blame God. They turn their backs. You have chosen not to do any of those things. Our God will reward your faithfulness - I KNOW this to be true! We are all praying with you.

Crown of Beauty said...

Wow, that South Korean woman is an inspiration to me today. It is reminded to me to press on and to keep pressing on, to persevere, to make the moment by moment choice to be an overcomer.

Denise said...

Wonderful post, that lady cracks me up. I continually pray for my brothers salvation, and will never stop. I love you dear.

Liz said...

Oh, the things you list (losing weight, teenager to clean room, and keeping my mouth shut)...ALL things I have tried at least 722 times, no doubt!
But praying for the salvation of those who I love and they don't know Christ; I never give up. I will also never give up on a marriage that is honoring to God, reconciled relationships when God is in the midst!
Great post!

The Dementia Nurse said...

"A marriage honoring to God" - good answer, Liz!

Amrita said...

Read that in today 's newspaper.
Great lesson in perseverance.

Laura said...

I heard this story on K-Love this morning, Gail! It tickled me and made me shake my head. I love where it sent your thoughts. Yes, we'll keep trying. They are well worth it.


Grace said...

Hi Gail, I am back. I like your post today. Very interesting. :)

Julie said...

Some days it's really hard to have endurance.... I am glad that HE is full of endurance, so that when I am out He can refill me.

Enjoyed reading this post.

Thank you for your visit and your sweet words on my blog. You have blessed me today...

Hugs from Georgia

KelliGirl said...

Yikes! I don't know what would what would draw me back again and again, no matter how bleak the landscape. Two things come to mind that cause me to persevere through the tough times are my walk with the Lord and writing. (Although I wouldn't equate my struggles with failing a driving test 700+ times!)

It's a thought to ponder. When do we accept defeat and move on, and when do we press forward?

Blessings to you today!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Yes, there are some things worth fighting for...God being at the top of that list! This story reminds me of the continual journey toward perfection I'm on. Thank God for my many opportunities for getting it right.
